The practice provides a limited service with pre-booked appointments on the majority of public holidays. The Reception telephone line will be closed on these days. On these dates if you have an urgent medical problem which cannot wait until the practice re-opens, please contact NHS 24 by phoning 111.
Please note we are open as normal on May Day (the first Monday in May).
Festive Period
The Practices closes for the 2 day holiday on each of Christmas/New Year – this is usually Christmas Day and Boxing Day (25 & 26 December) and the 1 and 2 January. If these days fall at a weekend – the two day holiday will be the Monday and Tuesday of the following week.
Non-urgent advice: Order your medication in sufficient time
Please make sure that you order any repeat medication in sufficient time to allow the prescription to be processed and ready at the pharmacy.
Practice Closed for Training
Similar to other practices in Aberdeen, we participate in Protected Learning Time sessions that address the ongoing development of doctors, nurses and administrative staff. This means that we will be closed for a a few hours on some afternoons but these will be advertised in advance. There are approximately five of these Protected Learning Time sessions per year. As with any closure of the practice, an answering machine will give an emergency contact number.
Need to see a doctor? NHS 111 can help
If you need to see a doctor but can’t get to your local practice you may be able to be seen outside of normal practice hours.
Call 111 and if appropriate, the advisor will be able to schedule you an appointment with a GP – it may not be your usual one – at a local venue. If you could be better treated elsewhere, they will be able to direct you to the best place to suit your needs. 111 is free to call at all times.
NHS 24 Media
Experiencing a mental health problem?
If you are affected by a mental health issues over the bank holidays and are not already known to local mental health services, or call 111. If you are a service user already, you can access services via your Community Mental Health Team or the out of hours GP service.
Call the Samaritans
Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Call us for free on 116 123
Emergency care
If you or someone you are with finds themselves in a life-threatening situation call 999 and ask for an ambulance. You will be taken to most appropriate place for your needs which in some case may not be your nearest hospital.