Self Referral
Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP. However, there are a number of local services, listed below, that you are able to make self referrals to.
The Bounds
The research centre and counselling service at University of Aberdeen which provides the local community with a freely available counselling service while conducting high quality research to inform practice, policy, theory and education.
Aberdeen Counselling and Information Service (ACIS
Offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, counselling and help for emotional distress and mood disorders.ACIS offers 10 weeks of free counselling, each session lasting 50-60 minutes. ACIS also offers an Information Service for anyone seeking details about any aspects of mental health provision. Give us a call and our Information Officers are ready with up to date information about local and national resources and support agencies to help you find the right help.
01224 573992
For advice on contraception, and Patient Information leaflets, see the link below.
Financial Wellbeing
If you are looking for financial support, you can find a list of organisations which may be able to help you.
Fit Like?
Fit like? Family Wellbeing Hubs are a group of services working together to support children and young people’s mental wellbeing.We work with families across the city offering practical and emotional support from our three Hubs in Northfield, Torry and Tillydrone.We can help with:Finance and benefits
Family relationships and communication
Coping with daily pressures
Promoting positive emotional and mental wellbeing
Talking about traumatic things that have happened
Scottish Welfare Fund
Is a discretionary scheme which provides two types of grants. Community Care Grants Crisis Grants Scottish Welfare Fund helps families and people in Scotland who are on low incomes.
Living life to the full
Free online courses covering low mood, stress and resilience. Work out why you feel as you do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more. Our courses are free for individuals using them in their own lives.
Solihull Online Courses for parents/carers
The Scottish Government has negotiated access to Solihull Online. These are courses which help nurture a a caring and supportive relationship by carers and help understanding of the stages of a child's development from pregnancy through to 19 years through interactive activities. Courses available are;
Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby, understanding your baby, understanding your child. understanding your teenager's brain.
To access these for for FREE use the code TARTAN.
Forensic Medical Services (Victims of Sexual Offences) (Scotland) Act 2021
This new Act establishes a legal framework for consistent access to “self-referral” where a victim (over 16 years of age) can access healthcare and request a Forensic Medical Examination (FME) without first having to make a report to the police. In addition, and as part of a person centred approach, individuals will be able to request the sex of their examiner involved in their care.
0800 148 88 88
SilverCloud – Self Referral
SilverCloud – interactive computer programme accessible without a referral for these packages:
· Managing Stress
· Managing Sleep
· Developing Resilience
· Managing During Covid-19
You will be asked to set up an account by creating a username and password. You will also be asked to enter a pin which is Scotland2020.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Services
This service can help by: finding out if you need to see a doctor, providing key information and advice to help with your problem, referring you to a physiotherapist or podiatrist if you need it.
Breathing Space – Open up when you are feeling down
Breathing Space is Scotland's mental health phone and Webchat service responding to people who are experiencing distress in their lives. It is an integral part of NHS 24's suite of mental health support services.
0800 83 85 87
Penumbra – Mental Health
We work to improve mental health and wellbeing across Scotland and offer services and support throughout the country, administered by Area Offices.We believe and statistics show that people can and do recover from significant mental health problems.Penumbra supports people to live fulfilling and contributing lives. By following our person centred model of HOPE. For us hope is a vital part of recovery and supporting people to have and hold hope for the future is a key part of our work.
Care equipment and adapting your home
If you’re elderly, disabled or have a long term health condition and want help to live safely and independently in your home, using equipment, technology or making adaptations to your home may be a good option for you.
This could include: getting equipment, like shower rails, adapting your home by installing a ramp or widening the doors, using everyday technology like computers or tablets to keep in touch with friends and family, or do your shopping online. Care Information Scotland can advise
0800 011 3200
Arranging or changing your DRS (Diabetic retinopathy screening) appointment
Most health boards have a diabetic retinopathy screening (DRS) service that can arrange appointments and answer any questions or problems you might have.When you receive your DRS invitation letter you might need to contact your local service to arrange a time to have the test. You can also ask for a new appointment if you fail to, or can no longer, attend your appointment.
My Diabetes My Way
The NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.
You'll find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, to help you manage your condition more effectively.